DEA Telehealth Guidance: A Step Backward

This guidance, requiring individuals to make an in-person appointment in the 30 days post-initiation of medication, will prevent the people who would benefit the most from these treatments from receiving help. It reinforces outdated practices that have proven ineffective in addressing our national overdose crisis.  

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Jordan Hansen
Hidden Suffering

The decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade will cause incredible suffering among some of our most-vulnerable communities.

Working in this business, you get to see behind the curtain. We get to hear the secrets, often for the first time. We get to see the overwhelming hypocrisy of such simplistic policies. We get to see just how many people are shocked to find themselves stuck in situations they had always envisioned other, less moral, less able, less righteous people within.

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Jordan Hansen
Juneteenth in MN

Juneteenth in the Twin Cities is bound in my mind to the murder of George Floyd and the persistence of Marc Johnigan and the Twin Cities Recovery Project — to celebrate when everything is bleak.

It’s a wild dialectic:

  • The world is full of evil, injustice, and malignant indifference

  • We should celebrate the hell out of the rest of it

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Jordan Hansen
YourPath Data Point: Unhoused populations

Housing instability can create significant barriers to accessing treatment, treatment retention, health and a host of other issues related to social determinants. As we help our clients access resources and navigate systems of care, it is imperative that we place their desires for care above any of our preconceived notions of what that care should look like.

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Kevin Sell
Healing Ecosystems

We plant trees for people who won’t be born for decades. We undertake remediation plans that consider the revitalization of watersheds and forests in terms of 100’s of years. We support efforts to curtail the planting of non-native species, resource-intensive production methods, and unsustainable harvesting. We focus on things like soil makeup, pollinators, and access to clean and sustainable water sources — all while while intentionally cultivating and listening keenly to the precious, naive hopes of the next generation.

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Jordan Hansen
Our friend, Marc Johnigan

With people like Marc, I think his power comes from us all feeling like there is a small part of him that was special to each of us.

To his family, Ms. LaTricia, and his families at TCRP and in Detroit and Dayton — thank you for sharing him with us.

We pray you find healing and pledge to support our continued work.

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Jordan Hansen
No shortcuts: Value-based care

Realizing the immense promise of value-based care requires us to reimagine our system. Entirely.

Effective, healing systems are defined by fundamental alignment with the holistic needs of the patient and their preferences. They are driven by qualitative and quantitative data, including outcomes and process measures. They are — by nature — integrated and collaborative.

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Jordan Hansen
Where will innovation come from?

We need the heft of of academia and the moral weight of trusted institutions. We need the urgency and magnetism for raw aptitude of the best VC-funded companies. We need the grassroots credibility of neighborhood nonprofits and the global reach of world-class technology and technologists. And, we need them together. 

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Jordan Hansen
Necessity: Invention's mom

Innovation isn’t contrived. It is annoyingly slippery. It is paradoxical. In lots of ways, it’s often stupidly simple. Sometimes it is counterintuitive. But for me, it tends to show up when we mix a global understanding with a very specific focus for our curiosity.

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“At some point, this trial also becomes a trial of our criminal justice system, a trial of our court system. A trial to determine if this legal system that delivered us separate but equal, that has delivered us so many horrific decisions throughout the course of history, if this system is capable yet of valuing Black and Brown lives.”

Mayor Melvin Carter, Saint Paul

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Jordan Hansen
How do we change?

In my passive-aggressive, white, midwestern, Minnesota-Nice existence, conflict was equated with violence. The capacity for tolerance of injustice was nearly infinite. The tolerance of conflict was nearly zero.

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Jordan Hansen
A general overview

This video covers a little of what we are planning on rolling out early this summer. We talk about our plans for medications for substance use disorders, the way we approach collaboration and our practice, and what we are looking for in community partners.

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Jordan Hansen